Trevorus (Seymour Duncan forum)

Trevorus is the Moderator (Modsterbator) on Seymour Duncan's User Group Forum.
He rarely posts, but has been much more active lately because the SDUGF forum is dead.
No one is really sure if he even owns a guitar.
Favorite quotes:
"I call myself the SDUGF Modsterbator because everyone knows my palms are hairy and rosy from spanking my monkey to gay porn sites and Securb posts"
"It's because of me that all these talentless trolling TMR-ZOO members are still active on the Seymour Duncan User Group Forum and not permabant"
"It shouldn't come as a surprise that I'm a raging homosexual and I like it in the ass"
"I'm obsessed with masturbation, dicks and especially Securb's micropenis"